The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Crusader Kings 3 has finally made its grand debut. This new release offers players another opportunity to navigate the treacherous waters of medieval court politics and to stake their claim to global dominance. For many players, the use of mods is a critical component of the gameplay experience, and Crusader Kings 3 certainly doesn’t disappoint in this aspect.

Crusader Kings 3 Mods have been made available right from the game’s launch, enabling players to instantly transform their gameplay experience with total conversions or supplement it with smaller UI enhancements that may not have been included in the default settings. Our curated selection of the best CK3 mods shines a spotlight on a range of modifications, from large-scale, ambitious overhauls to minor but impactful changes that enhance gameplay. Continue reading for our comprehensive list of top-tier Crusader Kings 3 mods.

The Best CK3 Mods

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods
The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Thanks to the integration of Steam Workshop support, installing mods for CK3 is remarkably simple – players simply need to subscribe to any mods that pique their interest.

Please note that some of the mods listed below are still in development and will receive additional features over time, while others are considered ‘complete’ versions that will undergo tweaks and updates for compatibility with new patches. Occasionally, modders may discontinue projects or take a while to update them.

In such cases, players can access older versions of the game on separate beta branches to continue their modded gameplay. To do this, right-click on the game in your Steam library, select Properties, navigate to the Betas tab, and choose your desired version from the drop-down menu. Below, we present the best CK3 mods:

A Game of Thrones

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

CK3AGOT: A World of Ice and Fire is a complete conversion mod, immersing you in the universe of George R. R. Martin’s acclaimed saga, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire.’ In this fantastical realm, mighty and minor lords alike contend for supremacy over the icy and fiery lands. The mod derives its name from the inaugural book of the series and symbolizes the strategic game of intrigue and power that ambitious contenders engage in to ascend to dominance. Subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop.

Guardians of Azeroth Reforged

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

« Guardians of Azeroth Reforged » is a comprehensive mod for Crusader Kings 3, set within the captivating universe of Blizzard Entertainment’s WarCraft. This mod brings out the untapped potential of narrative exploration, delving deep into the societal intricacies and interpersonal dynamics that define this world like never before. Experience anew the years of intense conflict originally depicted in the cherished strategy games and the early era of World of WarCraft. Carve out a new chapter for Azeroth and establish a lasting legacy for the ages. In this era of iron, blood, and fire, war is inevitable. Protect your allies and keep a wary eye on your foes. Destiny has reached Azeroth’s shores – will you grasp it or be overwhelmed? Download it on ModDB.

More Interactive Vassals

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Experience a more dynamic and engaging game of Crusader Kings III with the More Interactive Vassals mod. This mod reworks civil wars, giving vassals a more active role in the conflict. Vassals can now choose to fight alongside their liege or join the rebellion, adding a new layer of strategy to the game. More Interactive Vassals also adds a number of new customizable game mechanics, allowing you to tailor the experience to your own preferences. You can choose to make civil wars more or less frequent, or to give vassals more or less power. You can also adjust the balance of power between the crown and the nobility, and even choose to play as a vassal yourself. Subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop.

Princes of Darkness

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Inspired by the World of Darkness IP, CK3’s Princes of Darkness mod puts you in the shoes of an immortal vampire which, it turns out, needs to look out for other things than your regular medieval ruler. Old age and disease no longer kill you, that privilege being now reserved for good old burning and decapitation. Marriages no longer produce offspring, turning them into purely political tools, while the Tenets of your Faith have been repurposed to define your character’s own philosophy. As a vampire, you also need to watch out for your Hunger stat, indicating your need for blood. At the same time, falling prey to the Stress mechanic unleashes your inner monstrosity, forcing your character to abdicate. Subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop.

Sunset Invasion

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Building on the foundation of one of CK2’s more divisive pieces of DLC, Crusader Kings III’s Sunset Invasion mod adds threatening Aztecs to the game’s map while allowing players – as either independent or vassalized rulers – to define their relationship with the invaders. Mod creator KeizerHarm describes this mechanic as « half-way between the Grace mechanic from CK2: Jade Dragon, and the morality system from Bioware games ». Your interactions with the Aztecs will result in either Amity or Respect which, over time, unlock new options. Find it on the Steam Workshop.

Primogeniture Without Requirements

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Dealing with Partition – formerly known as Gavelkind – is one of the greatest early-game challenges in Crusader Kings III but it can also be a major nuisance. If you’re well past your first playthrough or simply want succession to be clearer right off the bat, the Primogeniture Without Requirements mod lets you switch to Primogeniture, Ultimogeniture, or House Seniority without first meeting the vanilla requirements. The same, however, does not apply to the AI, as it still needs to meet all the requirements. Grab it from the Steam Workshop.

More Building Slots

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

The first version of CKIII’s More Building Slots mod increases the number of regular buildings that can be built in baronies to 6 and in counties to 9, essentially opening up the way to gaining more bonuses, provided you have the gold for the additional buildings. Subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop.

More Game Rules

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

The More Game Rules mod increases the amount of customization that players have access to when starting new games. Some of the new additions include options to disable Pagan reformations, change the Man-at-Arms limits and cap, and set how often the AI chooses the Temptation lifestyle. Grab it from the Steam Workshop.

Pantheon of the Gods

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Being a medieval ruler has its perks but what if you could also be a god? The Pantheon of the Gods mod lets you ascend from your simple human form and become a deity through a newly added decision. New traits, religions and cultures are also added, apotheosis lets you grant godly powers to other characters, and, with a bit of luck, offspring can inherit your godly blood. Subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop.

VIET Events – A Flavor and Immersion Event Mod

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

The VIET Events – A Flavor and Immersion Event mod adds more than 180 flavor events that aim to fill the gaps between Crusader Kings 3’s wars and existing event chains. These new additions tackle anything from small talk to philosophy and love. Creator cybrxkhan aims to add more events as time goes by, in an effort of reducing repetition, while adapting some from CK2’s version of the mod. You can spice up your medieval ruler’s life by grabbing the mod from the Steam Workshop.

Cities of Wonders 3

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Given time, you can build some fairly impressive holdings in Crusader Kings III, however, the Cities of Wonders 3 mod blows them all out of the water by introducing burges, metropolises, alongside other means of adding additional depth to interacting with your realm’s holdings. A spiritual successor to Cities of Wonder 2, you can subscribe to the mod on the Steam Workshop.

Community Flavor Pack

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

The Community Flavor Pack is a cosmetic mod that adds historical portrait accessories to flesh out Crusader Kings III’s different cultures. Among the items included count the gambeson armor, frankish helmet, Crown of Zvonimir, the Viking round shield, and many more. Find it on the Steam Workshop.

Clear Notifications

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Regardless of the size of your realm, life as a medieval ruler eventually gets busy. This also means you’ll start receiving a neverending stream of notifications. While helpful, they can sometimes get in the way of more important things, which is where CK 3’s Clear Notifications mod comes into play. It adds two new and very handy actions. One lets you get rid of all notifications at the press of the button, while the other lets you pin them in place, stopping them from moving to the center when popping up. Find it on the Steam Workshop.

LotR: Realms in Exile

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

CK3’s LotR: Realms in Exile mod is the first bit of fulfillment for those players wishing for a total conversion mod set in J.R.R. Tolkien’s universe. Set to receive gradual updates that introduce new factions and scenarios over time, Realms in Exile currently lets you decide the fate of the Riders of Rohan as they’re attacked on three fronts. You can choose to play as three characters, the first of which is Théoden, gaining access to special buildings in Helm’s Deep, Aldburg and Edoras. As Saruman, you can choose whether or not to betray the light, while Dunland’s Wulfgar Brynjarsson can ally with either of the two mentioned before but not without incurring the other’s wrath. Get it from the Steam Workshop.

Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE)

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

The Regional Immersion and Cultural Enrichment (RICE) mod acts as a « collection of themed flavor ‘packs' » that adds simple mechanics, events, and various other additions to flesh out lesser known cultures and places on the map. At the time of writing, its features target Chios, Siberia, and Siwa. Thus, you can build Mastic Villages in Chios to bolster economy, sacrifice reindeer as a Turumic ruler to get a better grasp of yourself and the cosmos, restore the Oracle of Amun in Siwa, and more. Find it on the Steam Workshop.

Godherja: The Dying World

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Godherja: The Dying World trades medieval times for a dark fantasy world that fared slightly better prior to humanity’s use of « world-shattering magics. » Taking the helm of one of its distinct factions, players get to fight for survival while dealing with invasions, migrations, and greedy neighbors. The mod also introduces new artifacts, duel, coronation, and magic systems to further spice up the experience. A work in progress at the moment, the team behind it plans on expanding bot the setting, map, and mechanics in the future. Nevertheless, it’s a good pick if you’re aching for some dark fantasy in your CK3 playthrough. Grab it from the Steam Workshop.

The Fallen Eagle: The Dawn of the Dark Ages

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

The Fallen Eagle: The Dawn of the Dark Ages mod focuses on the period just before vanilla CK3’s start, spanning the years between 395 – 867. Boasting five different start dates, players can lead the Western and Eastern Roman Empire – both of which have a new government system –, expand Islam’s influence well beyond Arabia, take on the role of Charlemange and see his Frankish kingdom prosper, and more. The mod also adds a migration mechanic for Germanic Tribes alongside new music. You’ll also encounter and can play as other famous historical figures like Attila the Hun. Find the mod on the Steam Workshop.

Tales of Ireland

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Inspired by the Lebor Gabála Érenn, also known as the Book of Invasions, Tales of Ireland is a total conversion mod that focuses on and significantly expands CK3’s « noob island. » Its territory grows to over 1000 counties, that are part of 32 kingdoms, while development is renamed to Cattle and is thrice as potent as in the base game. The mod’s « robust event system and new Casus Belli » contribute to a balance of power that fluctuates more easily, while Ancient Partition lets you designate a single heir for your realm, provided you’ve enough prestige and all your sons are landed. Find it on the Steam Workshop.

Sinews of War

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Sinews of War reworks Crusader Kings 3’s economy, making it population-based. Currently in open beta, the developers are aiming for a system that tracks births, deaths, and migration as well as a « detailed fertility model » that takes into account the terrain in your realm, available water sources, and other similar things. If that’s not enough added complexity for you, plagues and natural disasters also ravage the land. Grab it from the Steam Workshop.

Succession Expanded

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Succession Expanded introduces multiple new succession types, having the goal of giving players a more historically authentic experience. Among the new additions count Imperial Elective – available to the Byzantine and Roman Empires –, Outremer Elective – unique to the culture with the same name –, and Royal Elective. The mod also adds a « Historical » rule that sets in motion events resulting in the division of Louis the German’s territory between his sons. Find it on the Steam Workshop.


The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Shogunate is a Crusader Kings 3 mod that shifts the game’s focus to medieval Japan, but moves further ahead in time, focusing heavily on the Sengoku era. Aside from its many historical characters, it also introduces the Shogunate title, and a late-game Casus Beli to unite Japan. Characters are a bit more reluctant to join your calls to war, so you’ll have to work harder to convince them, while special buildings and innovations further add flavor. Find it on Steam Workshop.

Imperator to CK3/CK3 to EU4 Converter

The Best Crusader Kings 3 Mods

Converters might not be the same type of mods as the others on this list, but they do allow you to play mega-campaigns that stretch across multiple PDX titles. Using them, you can convert your Imperator: Rome save into a Crusader Kings 3-compatible save and your CK3 save further into one for Europa Universalis 4, having a sense of unprecedented continuity to your campaign. You can find the former on the Paradox forums and the latter on Steam Workshop.

Non-essential CK3 Mods

For our full thoughts on Crusader Kings III, check out our reviews for the base game and the Royal Court expansion. In addition, you can search GameWatcher for guides on topics like culture and innovations, succession but also faith and fervor.

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